PERDIX (Programmed Eulerian Routing for DNA Designs using X-overs) is a free, open-source resource for the fully autonomous design of arbitrary 2D scaffolded DNA origami nanostructures.

- For Microsoft Windows without a MATLAB license, download here
- Requirements: MATLAB Compiler Runtime 2015 and Python 2.7 and Shapely 1.6.4
- For Microsoft Windows with MATLAB installed, download here
- Requirements: MATLAB, Python 2.7 and Shapely 1.6.4 python package
- For Mac OS X, download here
- Requirements: Python 2.7 and Python packages, Shapely 1.6.4 and PyDistMesh 1.2
For more information on our approach, please see this accompanying article by Jun et al., Science Advances, 2019 and the About page.